Thank you!

I can’t believe we have reached the end of another year, it has gone so quickly!  The children have done amazingly well this year and the nursery staff are extremely proud of how far the children have come.  Well done nursery, have an amazing holiday with lots of fun and laughter.


A huge thank you for all the lovely presents the nursery team received today and the very kind words written in so many cards.  On a personal level I have found this year one of the most rewarding at Selsdon and as I prepare to leave after 10 years I will go with very happy memories!  Good luck in reception, you will all be great!  Mrs Hume.


Transition to reception 

This week the children have been spending time in reception meeting the children and teachers.


Thank you reception for helping the nursery children feel so welcome.


Meet the teacher

Yesterday the children met their new teacher.  The children listened well and enjoyed seeing their new class and teacher.



More sports day


The sack race!

 The sweetie game!

Well done nursery you were brilliant!!


Sports day!

 Getting ready!

The hoop race!

The human centipede race!


The egg and spoon race!  
The running race!



Under the sea world!

The children have been really enjoying the sea world today!

Some children have been making their own fish to add to the sea!


Next week the children will be able to use the sea world whilst learning about their numbers!


Under the sea!

The children have been learning about sea creatures this week. They completed a range of different activities; 

* They searched the Internet to find out about the different types of sea creatures.

* They listened to whale song.

* They also measured how long each sea creature actually was using a trundle wheel and counting the clicks. 

Across the week the children have been making an under the sea mural which they can you use in their play.

Great team work nursery!


Fantastic writing

The children did some amazing writing today!  They were able hear and write initial, final and some middle sounds!  Great work nursery!